Other Prescribed Companies.

Establishing a non-financial company in DIFC.

Unlock the benefits of DIFC Prescribed Company Structures, a unique and attractive regime.

A Prescribed Company is a private company which can be established by a Qualifying Applicant or for a Qualifying Purpose pursuant to the DIFC Prescribed Company Regulations.

In the case that the Prescribed Company is established by a Qualifying Applicant, it could be used for the activities of a Holding Company, Managing Office and / or Proprietary Investment. However, in the case that the PC is established for a Qualifying Purpose, the activity would have to reflect the selected purpose from the table above.

Qualifying applicants:

  • DIFC registered entity
  • Affiliate of a DIFC registered entity
  • Shareholder or an ultimate beneficial owner that controls a DIFC registered entity
  • Authorised firm
  • Fund
  • UAE government entity
  • Family-operated business

Qualifying purposes:

  • Aviation structure
  • Maritime structure
  • Intellectual property structure
  • Structured financing
  • Crowd funding structure
  • DIFC holding structure (Entity established for the sole purpose of owning DIFC entity)
  • Innovation holding structure

Reasons for establishing a Prescribed Company in DIFC:

  • Fast track application process: A Prescribed Company is exempted from auditing and filling accounts with DIFC Registrar of Companies.
  • Low-cost incorporation fees: USD100 application fee (one time) and an annual commercial license fee of USD1,000.
  • Flexible office requirements: A Prescribed Company has flexible office requirements as it can have its own DIFC office space, share office space with its Qualifying Applicant or appoint a corporate service provider in the DIFC for their registered address services.
  • Residency Visas: May issue visas in the case that the PC or its affiliate has an office in the DIFC.

2 easy steps to start setting up your business

Handbooks and documents

  • Setting up a non-financial entity handbook
  • Non-financial checklist – prescribed company
  • Non-financial checklist – prescribed company (transfer to DIFC)
  • Registrar of Companies – Table of fees
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